

Research Lab

La Antártida interpela nuestro analfabetismo medioambiental

The unique beauty and fragility of the Antarctic ecosystem highlights our ignorance about the environment, but at the same time it forces us to make a decision and take some responsibility. More information here: Program in Spanish: «SENTINEL: La Antártida como centinela de la contaminación global». Tags: #COP #contaminación #Convenio…

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Travel Diary

Brave but underpaid Scientists

Day 128, Sunday, March 12th, 2017, Lon 56º 01 S, Lat 67º 17 W. One could imagine that the incredibly talented Spanish scientists, that I have met during my trip to Antarctica, despite not being paid appropriately by the Spanish…

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Travel Diary

Sandoval: the internet hero

Day 122, Monday, March 6th, 2017, Half moon island. Apart from food, on board the most important thing is the internet. If it fails people become very nervous. For this reason, first on the Sarmiento de Gamboa research vessel and now on the Hesperides, we travel with a…

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