Conversación con Alejo Contreras: el hombre que más sabe del Polo Sur
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Continue readingThe unique beauty and fragility of the Antarctic ecosystem highlights our ignorance about the environment, but at the same time it forces us to make a decision and take some responsibility. More information here: Program in Spanish: «SENTINEL: La Antártida como centinela de la contaminación global». Tags: #COP #contaminación #Convenio…
Continue readingDay 125, Thursday, March 9th, 2017, special report for Efe:Verde, by Valentin Carrera on board the research vessel Hespérides.
Continue readingRosa Acevedo Barrios a Colombian biologist is studying Tardigrades, which are the most resistant of animal species, and its applications on biomedicine.
Continue readingMore that a new polar base, it seems to me that Spain has built a spaceship on Antarctica. This new polar base will be manned by the new captain Nemo, Miki Ojeda. This polar base would have been the envy of Jules Verne: “To…
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