Day 15, Saturday, November 19th, 2016, San Crispin, 15 ° 10 S, 32 ° 42 W.

I have the feeling that there, on Earth, time passes faster.

Today is the fifteenth day of navigation, since the vessel Sarmiento of Gamboa sailed from Vigo’s pier on November 5th.

There are many friends and relatives from all walks of live who ask me, “Are you already in the Antarctica?”.

Slow down guys!

Things are going slowly, at twelve miles per hour precisely. If a Skua or a Heron are seen flying over the bridge , we change course and follow them. If a storm is approaching we dodged it. All very slowly. We have to travel 14,000 kms until we arrive to at the South Shetland Islands, where the Spanish scientific centers are based. And as good argonauts that we are, we are acclimatizing ourselves to the cold by first passing by the Ecuador, where the temperature is 30 degrees and its waters are full of flying fish, which we sailed this weekend.

Anyway, for the impatient ones among you, I am sharing some photos of the ANTARCTIC FAUNA, taken in 1986 / 87 by the biologist Ignacio Sobrino from Fuengirola (Spain), during our first campaign to the Antarctic.